Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We apologize once again to our vast readership regarding our neglect to update our blog. Here are a few highlights since February:

Carson turned a year old on March 20th. We celebrated his first birthday with Jennifer's family in February in West Virginia and with John's family in Oregon on March 20th!

In June we visited Jennifer's family in West Virginia which included a trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Prickett's Fort.

Mark & Amy Stamper's Wedding was on July 11th in Chattanooga Tennessee! John was a groomsman in the wedding. 

We went whitewater rafting on the Deschutes River for Jennifer's Birthday on August 5th.

Also in August, John hiked to the top of Mt. Batchelor just outside of Bend (with views of the Sisters, Mt. Washington, and Brokentop in the background).

On August 19th, we visited Crater Lake National Park (the deepest and purest lake in the U.S, also seen on our state quarter).


Nana said...
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Nana said...

The places you went to look beautiful and Carson looks bigger in such a short time....but at least we'll see him in person soon.
Love you

Love you Moore said...

Great pictures. I'm glad you put some new ones on.. I check it alot .. Carson is getting so big. Miss you guys, Love, Aunt Linda

Carrie said...

so glad for the update...look likes ou guys have been busy. What cool things you have been able to do! Our third boy arrives in 3 weeks. Then October we meet with BWM to appply to be missionaries headed to NZ. We move back to WV in Jan and hopefully will be in churches full time starting then.

Burman Batch said...

I am so glad to see pictures of Carson. We can't wait to see you guys again. Hope all is well!

Matt & Nicki said...

It's been so long since I have checked your blog, b/c I wasn't seeing any new posts--I almost gave up on you. . The pictures look great, I can't believe how big your "Baby" is. . hope you are all doing well!