Wednesday, August 8, 2007

They Say That Catching Up Is Hard To Do

So much has happened since we last signed off from the land of 10,000 lakes. After experiencing his "first flight," Carson has become a world traveler visiting exotic destinations such as West Virginia, Oregon, and Texas. Here are a few pictures from Carson's chronicles.

We also celebrated John's first Father's Day and Carson's first 4th of July.

John was ordained by Open Door Baptist Church of Troutdale, Oregon along with Mark and Jason Stamper on June 23rd.

We are now settled in beautiful Bend, Oregon. John is working part-time as a school bus driver as we start the church. God has provided a place for the church to meet and is blessing us with many contacts in the community. Our first service will be held on September 16th. Thank you for praying for God's work in the great Northwest.

And finally for all of you who are members of Carson's fan club... the latest and greatest pic.


Nana said...

Carson knows that his Nana in WV is his greatest fan and misses him more than one can imagine.
Love you all

Nana said...
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Amber Wright said...

So glad to hear things are going well. :) We have been praying for you. It is nice to see recent pictures too! :)
Take care,
Eric and Amber

Love you Moore said...

I'm so glad I got on tonight to check your blog and was pleasantly surprised to see new pictures. They are all so cute..CArson is growing so fast. Love you, Aunt Linda

Matt & Nicki said...

FINALLY!! Wow! he is getting so big--he actually has chunky cheeks now-so cute! Thanks for the pics--keep us posted.

ruth said...

Great pictures! I'm so glad to have an update. Congratulations on your ordination, John. Jennifer, you look wonderful!

EBrown said...

He is adorable!! So much bigger since the last time I saw him:) I'll have to come out and visit soon before he gets too big!!

Anonymous said...

Man I miss you guys! It's a blessing things are falling into place for you all. Talk soon!